Featuring course

Origin of Race: The Complexity of Racial Identity

This course will provide and in-depth study and analysis of the concept of race, its historical origins, the history and evolution of racism, and the complexity of racial identity.  
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What you are going to learn

This is why you should take this course

Do you often struggle with understanding the origin of racism and race as a concept? Do you face difficulties in distinguishing between terms like white supremacy and systemic racism? You are definitely not alone facing these issues. After attending this course you will:
  • Be able to accurately identify the origins of race based on historical and archaeological theory.
  • Understand why and how sociologists and historians have identified race as a social rather than a biological construct.
  • Distinguish between various terminology associated with racial marginalization, such as racism, prejudice and discrimination.
  • Develop an awareness surrounding racial fluidity, including racial self-identification and "passing."

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